Sugar Magnolia Management Solution is awarded the contract to renovate a Zephyrhills residential property. The property was purchased by a Zephyrhills well-known restauranteur in the area. The homeowner approached us looking to change this from an empty shell of a boarded up house into a nice, beautiful home that the family can use and be proud of.

Pre-Construction / Initial Home Condition

It was clear we had our work cut out for us…

In this particular situation. A previous homeowner had begun a renovation project and decided to sell it before they started much more than demolition and adding on a side bedroom.

The exciting news was that we are presented with a shell of a house and blank canvas. We were able to sit with the homeowner and discuss potential layouts and styling to create this into a comfortable home to enjoy for years to come.

This job required concrete and saw cutting, wooden framing, drywall installation, eletricians, plumbers, draftsman, HVAC, painting, countertops, cabinets, appliance installation.This job required concrete and saw cutting, wooden framing, drywall installation, eletricians, plumbers, draftsman, HVAC, painting, countertops, cabinets, appliance installation.

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure.”


Our Process

For this project. We had to come up with a layout that suited the homeowner’s requests and budget. Then we scanned the home with our high-tech scanning tools. We created plans to be reviewed and finalized with the client. Then we filed for permitting on the project. Managed the teams who had been chosen for each portion of the job. Coordinated with county inspectors and finished up the finishing touches.

Our Technology Advantage

With this project, we decided to use the state-of-the-art Matterport scanning system. Matterport, for those who are not familiar, is a hardware system that consists of a 3D camera scanning system for virtual walk through tours. It also includes a distance scanning system that is acurate to 1% tolerance and identifies objects 1 inch and larger.


Floorplans allow us to show the homeowner how their home will be layed out and they also allow us to submit to the city, county or township the informatoin they need for permits.


The work is up to our skilled laborers, engineers, and managers. Each project is bundled with their own set of unique challenges. This project is no different.

Hard work pays off and another Zephyrhills home is ready for occupancy.

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